Email, Wi-fi & USJNet Sphere

Email, Wi-Fi & USJNet Sphere account services are provided by the Centre for IT Services (CITS), University of Sri Jayewardenepura.


Faculty of Graduate Studies provides email accounts for postgraduate students. You may visit & sign in with your SJP email using Outlook.

Sample email:

Wi-fi & USJNet Sphere accounts

You need to visit & Sign In.

From this account, you will be able to access USJNet Wi-Fi, E-Resources, etc,.

(USJNet Wi-Fi is available at the university premises)

If postgraduate student has any issues related to these services, you may contact Mr. Atheeq / 0112881565 / Intercom 1565.

Please send your Name in full, Registration number & the name of the program that you are following when you send any inquiry.